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  • Wildtierstation Bayern
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  • Wildtierstation Bayern
    © Foto, 46308742, ludenhuber
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
    © Foto, 56223451, kwasny221
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
    © Foto, 60604058, jarrycz
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
    © Foto, 67879561, meal_meaw
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
    © Foto, 79443866, K.-U. Häßler
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
  • Wildtierstation Bayern
  • Wildtierstation Bayern

Wildlife Stations for Bavaria and Romania

They have no lobby and they have no place to be – wildlife found injured and helpless. For the most part it is in the hands of private individuals to help and care for them. In Bavaria so far there are no official rescue stations – but this is about to change.

First steps have been taken already: For developing a wildlife rescue station and a Bavarian wildlife conservation centre, the Academy cooperates with numerous animal welfare organisations, the Tierschutzverein München e.V., the Tierrettung München e.V., the Auffangstation für Reptilien München e.V., der Klinik für Vögel der LMU, the Ornithologische Gesellschaft, the Verein Eichhörnchenschutz e.V. and the Landesbund für Vogelschutz, among others.

At the request of city counselor Dr. Evelyne Menges, also board member of the Academy, the state capital Munich is now supporting the idea to establish a wildlife station
in Bavaria. Round table discussions, aiming at the general development and design, have already taken place in the Kreisverwaltungsreferat. Further round table meetings have been scheduled for 2016. In contact with the Bayerische Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, the Academy is pursuing the setup of this kind of station since 2014. A first concept has been designed already.

Since 2015, the Academy also supports the instalment of a wildlife rescue station by the NGO „Transylvanian Wildlife Project (TWP)” in the district of Covasna/Romania. This project is supposed to provide professional care for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in order to release them later on back into their natural habitat. TWP aims at promoting nature conservation in Romania and at increasing public awareness and environmental education.

The Academy took over the scientific consultation for the implementation of the project and helps with necessary medical equipment. It also offers hands-on practical training, for example in distance immobilisation. ■