© Illustration Günther Mattei
The Fascinating World of Spiders and Snakes
2016 has been a very successful year for “Susi and Agathe” once again. Susanne Schimpf and Anette Lippert introduced the tarantula “Agathe” and the boa constrictor “Susi” to 26 school classes in order to offer children a new perspective on the allegedly disgusting animals.
These missions are not about regular school lessons, but about surprising children with living animals, raising interest and enthusiasm and breaking with old thinking patterns. With that, the Academy and their two animals catch the attention of the media again and again.
In 2016, there were reports in the radio channel Deutschlandfunk and the local daily newspaper Münchner Merkur. In total, about 600 students were introduced to Susi and Agathe this year. The events “Susi and Agathe” take place in cooperation with the Museumspädagogisches Zentrum München, the centre for museum education.
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