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  • Barzani DSC1654
    © Foto: Muhamadsiddiq Barzani
  • Barzani DSC2482
    © Foto: Muhamadsiddiq Barzani
  • Barzani DSC4684
    © Foto: Muhamadsiddiq Barzani
  • Barzani DSC8848
    © Foto: Muhamadsiddiq Barzani


Kurdistan – Conservation of Bezoar Goats

Since 2011 the Academy has followed a dream: To place a special region in northern Iraq under protection. Here is the habitat of the endangered Bezoar goat, as well as of other species. The Bezoar goat is the ancestor of all domestic goat species. The political turmoil and conflicts in this region have drastically hampered this dream. However, there is still good news from Kurdistan.

This is due in most part to the commitment of Muhamadsiddiq Barzani of the Kurdistan NatureWatch Organisation, with which the Academy cooperates. He has tirelessly charted the flora and fauna of this region with dedication and passion and provided a scientific inventory report which serves as a basis for the protection of the region.

As a result, two documentary films about his home have been produced which he showed in Germany to a wider audience. He collected valuable information about the endemic and vulnerable animal and plant world in this embattled region and shares his knowledge with the IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Moreover, in cooperation with local Duhok University, “environmental police” are being trained. A complete inventory should be finalized by the end of the year.